For realz though, the Capitol of the United States of America is 2 minutes from my house.
I cannot wait to enlighten you on the zany adventures of Marianna Breland.
Let me give you a preview:
-when you sign up for a 4 person house with the intern housing place....you really sign up for a house that 13 people live in...9 of which are boys. I have still not ruled out that we are being secretly being filmed for A) Big Brother: Capital Hill edition B) The Real World: DC ...Revisited. My living situation with my trusty pal and roommate Mary Alex Street is unreal.
-over-sized shirts...are over-sized. DC no likey...one of my many roommates asked why my shirt was so big....
-metros are mobile creepy convention sites for creepy men. insert man with a cane and African beads following you here. (true story)
-Everything is expensive. everything. Even the supposed mom and pop grocery store...dont support them! support the "man"! support capitalism! because if not, you end up with a $50 grocery bill....for two measly bags of groceries.
-business casual is the casual. all the time.
-my cool internship....is actually in a basement.
-made besties with real life Georgetown students. HELLO! BOSS! (and obviously learned their lingo)
-I saw John Kerry. no explanation needed.
-I saw and see my wonderful boyfriend every day. It's kind of the best ever.
more to come and more of my photos...because truth be told I just google imaged that one...
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