You know that cliche really popular girl? You know the one that people make really big deals about and makes a point to take pictures with them on all occasions? Or the ones that can wear a neon anything and it be cool but if anyone else were to attempt it...it would be sad?
Then you know Melissa Ramsey.
Or so I thought.
Camp Ozark 2009.
I came to this camp not really sure what I was doing except be a servant to kids. What I actually did was go to this crazy camp with crazy kids and a whole lot of Texans. They all wore bows, neon anything, jorts, and chacos. They actually seemed to like Miley, Taylor, and Beiber. They all seemed to know each other, and they all seemed to have access to a secret stash of Surge or something. My mind was blown faster than you can riflery badge.
Then, they had ring leaders and the main one was this legend called Melissa Ramsey. Oh, did you see that girl driving the mule with the bow? That's Melissa Ramsey. MELISSA MELISSA! Over here. Yeah...Melissa did devo with us last night. Y'all I just had the most awesome convo with Melissa. I was a camper with Melissa. Oh, that's my best friend and past counselor Melissa.
Out of jealousy, I wanted to chant OVER-RATED!!! (clap, clap..clap clap clap)
But in all honesty, I wanted to be like hey, how are you? what's up? how's it going? what about that mish mash? I remember once talking to her on the picnic table about the tv show the office and being like...Marianna why do you have to be so weird? (hand on forehead)
I continued to disregard the hype. Summer ended. Ozark was great but probs would not be returning. I thought all was well.
Fall 2009
Come fall, the "recruitment process" began. Whaddya know but Melissa Ramsey was coming to Oxford? Instantly, I was like, oh she will probably be so busy, but I will go to the Ozark reunion dinner, pretend I wasn't me (oh hey melissa, wait we met? yeah no didnt think so. no, that wasnt me that failed ropes. um did I wear glasses at orientation? of course not, are you kidding me? crazy hair? you must be mistaken!) [<---rehearsed script in head]
I met her once again fully expecting to make polite convo, help her hand out some flyers, and maybe do some recruiting.
What I did not expect was to find the most amazing, selfless, hilarious, listener, role-model, friend, big sister of a girl.
Melissa Ramsey was not hype. Was not legend. But was real.
And I do mean real. Geniune. The whole shebang.
The only crazy cultish Texan ...was me (minus the Texan. She is totally a Texan but went to Vandy. 5 points to her for acknowledging SEC as superior)
I was skittish towards the broad because I was not sure I was good enough for her or cool enough.
I am still neither of those things but I am pretty sure very few in this world are because she is SIMPLY that amazing. She CAN drive a mule, take pictures, wear bows, do devos, have amazing life changing convos BECAUSE she possesses one of the most endearing, empathizing, and easygoing hearts of anyone I know.
She passes advice, not judgment. She gives laughter, not self-doubt. She gives hugs, not half-hearted back pats.
She can sport a bow and Louis Vuitton bag. She can wear simple Burt's Bee lipstick or glitter...anything.
She can talk to a college (weird) senior and make her feel like the most important person...while simultaneously helping throw one of her 24957 bachelorette parties.
Melissa Ramsey deserves every bit of hype, cult following, and facebook photo tag.
Marianna Breland barely deserves her friendship.
I can call her any day any hour and even though I have not seen her in two years, I think of her as one of many best friends. Quality of phone visits...not quantity of ...real life visits...right?
The fact that she has embraced me despite a) Texas is not on my birth certificate b) I am not a Chi Omega c)I am a Rebel, not a commdoore d) only own a sequin headband..and that's it e) all of the above. It's kinda amazing. But then again, so is she.
These reasons mentioned above are why she is in hundreds of weddings and have hundreds of friends.
On top of all this, it's her birthday. Tah-day. And I thought what better way to say happy birthday than with a blog post all about her, especially since I post on here so much!
So Mel on the morning of your bee-day, pretend we are eating Bottetree granola and sipping coffee. Carter is there as well.
The photos...well that's just to show you what an amazing friend she is and the fact that our only photo tagged together is a Camp Ozark advertisement. Yeah, she's that cool. And our friendship is that long distance. I'm in the blue shirt. I am not getting any more specific due to my hanus appearance (thanks for making it microscopic Ozark graphic designer. seriously) The sad thing is...Melissa is not even in this picture. But it's what we shared at least in the photo..not facetime. but memories.
So here's to that really popular cliche' girl.
Because cliche' things are cliche' for a reason..or should I say cliche' people are cliche' for a reason.
They are just that amazing.
And that you are, my dear Mel.
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