Well, I missed Valentines. And Christmas. And New Years.
But, I did not miss February 17 which just happens to be Paris Hilton, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Mary Ann Mobely's birthday.
Whew. It would have been really embarrassing for me to have missed today.
Here's just a snippet of my week, just a random week in this leap year of 2012. If any of you have any doubt of just how serious I am about my life being a little ridiculous, here's proof:
- I was duped into believing that I had won a car. No, seriously. I called and went to the car dealership to claim it....only to find out I had only won a $2 bill.
- I found out I have been calling a young man by the wrong name for quite some time. And not just a confusion of Bill and Will. Like two COMPLETELY different last names. Sadder--I considered him a good friend and classmate.
- I made the front page of the paper. I have only done this two other times. One time, I was screaming my head off/looking like I was about to faint, and the other was respectable. THIS time I was pictured getting dressed. Exhibit A and B:
So yeah. Just another week. And Friday and the weekend is not even over yet!
But here are some AHHH-MAZING things that have happened in my life:
- I moved in to Esplanade Ridge with the two best gals anyone could work for. Anna Davis and Allie Denton. Same initials, different people, best of friends. We are really cool and shout out points for our house that we were sorted into, except these two coconuts think i would be in Slytherin. Whatevs. 5 points to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for being two great roommates.
- Picked up jogging thanks to Ole Miss. I get credit for it and for the first time in my life---I RAN A MILE WITHOUT STOPPING!!! (insert chariots of fire music here). For all of you who just judged me because I have never been able to do that before, I promise I am in shape. I. just. can't .run.
- I was introduced to the Hunger Games. May the odds forever be in MY favor. And yours too.
- Most importantly, I am learning day by day, that I am in fact, not the one in control of my life. Turns out, I may not have been worshipping a big ol' budha, but I have definitely been having some idols in my life for a looonnnnng time. Which explains the whole, "I'm never content" syndrome I have had for a while. God is breaking me and growing me. Daily. Hourly, it feels like most times.
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